Welcome to the Secrets of Cleaning


    Cleaning products have become increasingly more and more popular in our societies over the last couple of decades, especially with the consistent improvements that our technology has been constantly making nonstop. These technological advances and movements have enabled human beings to come up with newer, easier, and more complex solutions for the purpose of making our everyday lives so much simpler and more efficient. This is a great thing, as it enables us to complete our household work much faster and without as much stress, therefore letting us have more free time to engage in various other more important activities. However, these marvelous inventions also have a bit of a minor setback: they tend to involve some harmful chemicals that can potentially affect the environment in negative ways once they are released. Therefore, some environmentalists, as well as just ordinary people who care about our planet Earth in general, are now thinking of various ways and solutions that can help limit our impact on the environment through the continued use of these excellent cleaning products, which have indeed proven to be very helpful.

    Therefore, if you are truly concerned for the environment and for how to keep our planet Earth cleaner and healthier, there are some guidelines that can help you get started.

    For instance, one strategy is to make your own cleaning products instead of buying them in liquid form. This enables you to use less of the product and still get the same cleaning results. Another thing you can do is also use natural cleaning products, such as baking soda or lemon juice- they can be very powerful too! Also, make sure you always follow the directions written on any cleaning product labeling so as to ensure you are not overusing a product or chemical.


    Cleaning improperly may cause damage to a certain type of surface, for instance, or not clean something thoroughly enough, which defeats the purpose of chore in the first place. This is why there are tips- secrets and skills that have been accumulated over the years by those who face the depressing task of cleaning every single day. Those who must deal with it on a daily basis know that they have acquired a significantly larger amount of cleaning experience within their lives than those who are relatively new to this task. They are often more aware of the types of products that may ruin a new piece of expensive furniture, for instance, or be more familiar with the methods of cleaning that work best for a specific kind of flooring that is otherwise seemingly unclean able. For a beginner cleaner, or for someone who is totally clueless when it comes to putting together a house, those kinds of tips and strategies can prove to be extremely beneficial, made especially necessary when the person has little time to invest in the discovering and testing of various cleaning products, supplies, and ways. Therefore, the fact that there are reliable people to turn to for information and helpful tips can end up being a lifesaver for many newbies out there. While few of us may enjoy the task of cleaning, we can all aid each other and come together to create a list of the best cleaning strategies. And that is exactly what this site is for. Welcome to the Secrets of Cleaning.

    Most people do not considered cleaning a skill of extreme value or something that actually requires quite a bit of knowledge and consideration. Usually, people assume that cleaning is an easy, relatively simple task that can be performed by anyone at all, meaning that they do not necessarily need any kind of specialized skills in the department. Cleaning is considered a daily monotonous task for those who are used to it, and in general, the mass of population tends to despise this chore, as it does not often yield showing rewards or any kind of feeling of success. Instead, cleaning tends to bring us down and make us feel tired and pointless, especially since it is something that must be done regularly if an area is to be kept clean longer than several hours. However, in actuality, cleaning is a challenge that requires quite a bit of dedication as well as preparation and knowledge.


    Damage due to cigarette smoke is less of an annoyance than a few decades ago, but smoke on clothing and leftover in your car is still very easy to detect. Second hand smoke is also a health hazard, an additional reason to eliminate stale smoke odors. It’s a shame we have to take measures to protect our family’s health from the difficult habits of others that we care about, but it can be done, and here is how.

    First choice is always to open windows wide and allow the fresh breezes to waft through your home. It’s like when you dry your clean laundry outside on the clothesline, everything will be fresh and sweet.

    Another great technique for fresh air in your home is to rub a light, floral scented perfume on a light bulb and leave on the light. When the bulb becomes hot, the heat will send the scent throughout your room. You will want to keep walking into that room, and the smell of stale cigarettes will be gone, gone, gone.

    Baking soda is a miracle solution for almost all your cleaning problems. To eliminate smoke odor from carpets, rugs, and upholstery, liberally sprinkle the baking soda around the room, let it set overnight, and vacuum the room the next day.

    Vinegar, another all-purpose product, can help with odors. Soak a cloth, wring it out, and then wave it around the air briefly. It will capture and eliminate problem smoke odors.

    When the smoke from cigarettes has seeped into personal items, like gloves, woolen hats, or a small pillow, toss them into a plastic bag and add one or two fabric softener sheets. Let the bag with the items set overnight.

    Leather furniture can also be affected by smoke from tobacco products. This cleaning process is fairly simple. You have a few options. Clean with a mixture of dish soap and water, or use vinegar with the water in equal parts. Finish off the process with a sprinkling of baking soda that you can vacuum up the next day.

    Along with techniques you can try, there are also a few trustworthy products you should keep on hand. Southland, at www.southlandtrade.com, offers their odor eliminating candle in an array of luscious scents. You will love your home when it smells like Gardenia Delight, Spring Rain, Peachy, Creamy Vanilla or one of the other inspiring scents at Southland. These candles will work hard to rid your home of tobacco odor, cigar, cigarettes, pipes, and other embarrassing odors, like those from pets. They come packaged in a jar, a very safe idea because you can let them burn and won’t need to worry about the waxy drips or the flames.

    Neutron Industries makes some very effective cleaning solutions, and their NI-712 Lavender Meadow Super Concentrated Odor Eliminator is sure to obliterate your airborne odors. Neutron Industries does have a website, but it doesn’t work well. Call them at 888-712-7127. Their product, D-Molish will gobble up odors from problems, like pet messes. D-Molish not only cleans the mess, but you won’t find a trace of the odor or stain left behind.


    Our kitchen decor can be as various as the rest of the home or even our personal wardrobe. Granite and other natural stones are popular materials for countertops. They come in a variety of colors and patterns, and granite gives the impression of a clean kitchen that looks more expensive than some popular materials from recent past decades.

    First, be sure of what type of counter top you have. There are also products that strongly resemble natural stone, and in those cases, you should follow the manufacturer’s care instructions. Also, remember, darker stone surfaces are less porous than lighter stones. This will make a slight difference in the type of cleaning products you can use without harming your countertop over time.

    Now, that you know your countertops are actual granite, here are a few Do’s and Don’ts to help you care for your kitchen.

    DO: One tip is to clean as you cook.

    DO: Wipe off perspiration from glasses and drips from sauces as you prepare them, and stay away from some foods, like red wine or grease that will stain your lovely granite. Granite, though beautiful, has the tendency to streak, and natural stone countertops are porous.

    DON’T: Allow the counters to soak up stain causing liquids.

    DON’T: Use abrasive cleaning products on hardened food.

    DO: Clean with mild soap in warm water to keep your countertops clean on a regular basis.

    DON’T: Use products like Windex that will cause damage to granite over time and harm the polished surface. Watch out for cleaners that leave a dull appearance or small etches. If the effect is slight, it could build over time.

    DO: Use a microfiber cloth to buff and dry countertops when cleaning. A microfiber cloth removes streaks and drying the granite eliminates water that might have dirt remaining, or calcium that will cause a hard water stain.

    DO: Use a cleaner that is especially made for granite countertops. These products protect the sealer and fight against fingerprints and smudges.

    DO: Use a granite top sealer for protection.

    DO: Use a granite countertop cleaner, like MB-5 Marble, Granite and More Spray, or mix ½ cup alcohol with a few drops of dish soap in a spray bottle. Fill the bottle with water. This cleaner will be a pH neutral disinfectant cleaner.

    DON’T: Use a low pH cleaner on natural stones with calcite, such as polished white marble. They will harm the surface, etch and dull it.

    DON’T: A high pH cleaner is not recommended, either. They are alkaline and overly harsh for natural stone surfaces.

    DO: Clean stained granite right away. Mineral spirits or acetone works well on ink stains. Ammonia or bleach can be used to clean grease or oil based stains. Hydrogen peroxide will clean food stains.

    DO: Try Method Spray Granite cleaner. It is recommended by homeowners with granite countertops.

    DO: Try Granite Gold Daily Cleaner on black granite for a no-streak finish.

    DO: One more recommended product for you to consider is Supreme Surface Granite Cleaner and Conditioner for a streak free shine.


    Your fine china may have been left to you by your mother, a precious possession for sure, or it may have been a wedding present. Maybe you saved your pennies and shopped until you found just the right set of beautiful dinner service ware to use on special occasions. However, you acquired your fine china, you no doubt take pride in setting on your table and want it to look perfect.

    Remember this helpful, common sense tip. Do not allow food to set on your lovely dishes. Wash them soon after completing your meal. First clean off remaining food with a rubber spatula, then rinse, and wash them using warm water with a mild dish detergent and soft sponge, nothing abrasive. Wasn’t that easy?

    Protect your dishes from unintentional harsh treatment while washing them by lining your sink with a towel, or using a small plastic tub. Move the spout aside to avoid dinging the chinaware. Do not wear jewelry that might scratch your china. This last tip is helpful also to prevent losing your precious rings down the drain.

    Do not stack your dishes in the sink, instead wash them individually, and avoid using hot water, especially on china with a metallic decoration or trim that might flake. Gently slide your china into the water to avoid a quick change in temperature that might crack your china. To remove stubborn, stuck-on food, use baking soda.

    China can acquire stains the same as other kitchenware. Normal use can leave marks from knifes or serving spoons. Baking soda to the rescue! Using a damp sponge in a dab of the baking soda, gently rub those annoying marks and remove them. Another surprising remedy might be salt, or your everyday toothpaste used in the same manner. china

    You might also like to try soaking your china pieces instead of rubbing them with the baking soda. Mix one-quarter cup to each gallon of hot water and pour the water mixture into your cups or teapot. Let them soak for an hour and then wash as recommended. If your stains turn out to be stubborn, mix about a one-quarter teaspoon of salt with one tablespoon of lemon juice or vinegar. Scrub your china with this new combination using something soft. Rinse in cool water with one-quarter cup of vinegar added to a gallon.

    Allowing your clean dishes to air-dry could result in spots. Instead, rub them with a soft, clean towel.

    Prevent coffee or tea stains on your delicate cups by cleaning them soon after your meal. Use a mixture of one part hydrogen peroxide to three parts water, with a drop of ammonia added, and rinse with warm water. Avoid cracking your fine china by adding milk first, or by using a spoon in the cup, and then pouring the hot or coffee over the spoon.

    Now you can keep your mother’s fine china looking beautiful for the next generation with these tips that are easy to follow, and using items you probably have around your kitchen.


    We mostly use baking soda in our kitchen to bake cookies, cakes, and other goodies. However, the beauty of baking soda is that it is also a safe, non-toxic substance you can use around the kitchen, or rooms of your home for cleaning.

    The few times that grease from bacon flares up in the pan, or from a steak in the broiler, can be easily, and safely, extinguished with a sprinkle of baking soda. Wipe grease from your floors, or scuff marks, with a warm, damp cloth after covering the spill with a bit of baking soda.

    Think about the times that someone has opened your refrigerator. From across the room, you get a whiff of something stale, spilled, or worse, emanating from your frig. Searching for the source of the odor is, of course, necessary in order to clean the mess, but the odor has an easier solution. One box of baking soda, with the top open and setting on the refrigerator door or in the corner of one of the shelves will absorb unpleasant odors and avoid embarrassment.

    The same technique will work in your trash can or an ash tray. A sprinkle in the bottom and your kitchen will smell of your brilliant cooking, not yesterday’s meal. Also, your room will be free of the odor from stale tobacco smoke.

    Baking soda is a handy, inexpensive helper with your laundry. Baking soda, when used with your normal additive, chlorine bleach, will leave your clothes even brighter and fresher. Eliminate the odor from your infant’s diaper with baking soda sprinkled in the hamper, to absorb that old diaper smell. Hey, if it works on trash and cigarettes, why wouldn’t it help you enjoy your family a little more?

    A few other basic household chores include, naturally, the bathroom – One-quarter cup baking soda down the sink and rinsed with hot water, just once-a-week, is a trick to help avoid those annoying clogged drains in your bathroom.baking-soda

    Your children’s blow-up pool – Wipe the pool out with a solution of baking soda and warm water to eliminate or prevent mildew.

    Lawn furniture – Again, combine one-quarter cup baking soda in one quart warm water to wipe down your summer lawn furniture before storing it for the winter.

    Lastly, if you look up anchorite, or sodium bicarbonate, baking soda’s natural form, you will discover that the HCO3 ion, or bicarbonate, is one part hydroxide and two parts oxygen on CO3, or carbonate. This compound is capable of neutralizing chemicals and absorbing moisture, which accounts for its usefulness as a deodorizing and cleansing agent. You will also learn that its hardness is 2.5 on the Mohs scale. This is significant in enabling baking soda to be used to clean your teeth, deodorize your mouth, decrease sensitivity and plaque deposits. This miracle compound can also improve enamel strength and whiten your fresh smile.

    Your life has just become easier, and you are saving money .