When it comes to cleaning, one of the most hated areas of the home to work on is the bathroom but this task needs to be done regularly. If you hire a cleaning service, you won’t have to do too much work but should still take small steps to keep the space clean and hygienic.

Clogged Shower Heads
One of the most common problems in the bathroom is a clogged shower head. This should not be a cause for concern as it has a very easy fix. Just remove the shower head and put it in hot water with vinegar. Anything clogging it, including calcium, will be loosened.
Reduce Water Marks
Sometimes even a weekly thorough cleaning isn’t enough to completely get rid of water marks in the shower so you should do whatever you can to stop them from forming. A great idea is to keep a small squeegee in the shower and use it on the walls after your shower.
Reduce Hair Clogs
Depending on how long your hair is as well as the hair length of other people in your household, shower drains can get clogged incredibly quickly. To help prevent these clogs, take a little bit of nylon netting and place it over your drain. It will catch the hair and make it easy to clean.
Quick Vacuuming
To stop the accumulation of dust, hair or other particles in your bathroom try to keep a small vacuum or dust buster handy. Use this on your bathroom rugs and floor every day to make it easier to clean later on.
Eliminate Odors
If you are worried about the smell in your bathroom, one of the easiest ways to fix this is to invest in a fresh candle or a basket of potpourri. With those items in place you won’t have to worry about unpleasant odors.
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